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Screen Printing

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Screen Printing

CSF Series Machines are Mechanical operated CAM SHELL type screen Printing Machines which are economical and high speed then SAF series. These machines are basically used for Graphic Industries and for UV. Spot coating also. These machine doesn’t require Air Compressor. Printers get wider space for loading the paper.

Screen Printing
Description Technical Specification Video Enquiry
Round Screen Printing Machine also available
Max. Print size Max. Sheet Max. Speed Power
381 x 508 mm 457 x 609 mm 1200 / hr 1 HP
457 x 609 mm 609 x 914 mm 1000 / hr 2 HP
508 x 762 mm 609 x 914 mm 800 / hr 3 HP
762 x 1016 mm 914 x 1219 mm 500 / hr 5 HP

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